You’re a Good Good Father, It’s who You are

Will Pannell / Thursday, January 7th, 2016

“You’re a good good father, It’s who you are”

That is the line from a song the Passion worship band did this last weekend. I was not able to attend this year but I listened online as much as I could. It’s not a new song, but it is a good one, and they did a great job with it! The odd part to me was what I was reading as they sang it. I picked up the Voice of the Martyr’s magazine and was in the midst of reading an article about Yousuf Bhat. Four masked gunmen charged into his house and pushing his wife out of the way demanded to talk to him. They forced him outside and shot him seven times. These four gunmen left Yousuf’s wife to raise their three children by herself.

“You’re a good good father, It’s who you are”

These lyrics and this story do not mesh. How can God be good with so much evil, suffering, and pain in this world. How can God let the people who worship Him endure such heartache and sorrow? These are common questions many of us ask at one point or another; especially after reading an article like this. Or after the unexpected and sudden death of a child or infant. Perhaps after getting the call that it is stage 4 cancer and you or a loved one does not have long at all. When you lose of a job you’ve had for years bringing in most of the family income. How can God be good?

I don’t expect to answer this fully and completely because the truth is, when we find ourselves in the middle of this kind of heart-brokenness, no answer can satisfy those questions and hurts. Here is what I do know, God is good. It’s a fact. It is not merely something that he does for us, but it is who He is at His core. This song more than anything is a reminder in these times who God really is.

I wish it was that easy, in tough times just know God is good and things will work out. Life is tough. People hurt us. Satan tempts and trips us up in many ways using many different things. When we read about God and the things He does in Scripture it becomes clear, even though we may not understand or have a complete picture in situations, God is good. God works good in all situations. Paul tells us that in Romans, God works good for those who love Him. In Exodus 33 Moses asks to see God and God replies with, “I will make all my goodness pass before you” (emphasis added). Even Jesus, in Mark 10 says, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone”.

I believe that if we could even speak to Yousuf today, he would agree after all he has been through, God is good. In fact the article specifically stated “Since leaving Islam himself in 1999, Yousuf had known his life could end this way”. He would probably point to the 13+ churches he helped started, thousands of Bibles and copies of The Jesus Film he passed out, and those who have come to know Christ. He may also point to the growth in his son’s and daughter’s faith as they have been tortured because of his and their faith. At one point Yousuf said, “Nobody was with me. But my Lord Jesus was with me”.

As you start a new year, take time to rest in that knowledge and comfort that God is good. I know it may not always be easy, but the fact that God is good is at times the only thing we have when life is tough. Hold on! Because God is a good good father, it’s who He is.

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